Tag Archives: modest outfits

30 Days Hath September – the 15th

Well! I’m finally back to finish posting my September challenge pictures! My goal is to post two “September days” every February day. 😉 As always, comments and suggestions for better posing, composition, etc. are appreciated.

Same subject. Same place. Same time. 30 days. } a personal challenge

“30 Days Hath September” – the 11th

Same subject. Same place. Same time. 30 days. } a personal challenge

This started out as a very aggravating photoshoot. The conditions were NOT what I wanted – the time was a little off and the shadows were harsh, our neighbor decided to work on his truck right in the middle of our location, and it had been a difficult day. But I had forgotten that this was exactly the reason I challenged myself to take portraits every day – cause every day isn’t perfect. I needed to get beyond grabbing my camera when I was inspired and found a pretty spot or pretty light, and I needed to learn to work with what I have when I have it.

So this is the day I learned to stop fighting my surroundings, and to embrace them. Our neighbor’s truck could actually work as I nice prop, instead of simply being in my way. But yeah, I still have to work on embracing it AS a prop more. 😛

“30 Days Hath September” – the 8th

Same subject. Same place. Same time. 30 days. } a personal challenge

I must confess that this challenge is proving to be a little more challenging than I expected! The unexpected shadows, the building owner ripping most of the ivy out and leaving it do die half on the wall and half off, busyness at that time of day, and lack of variation in my pose repertoire. The last is a good thing, I suppose, just slightly frustrating when I don’t have the time to go look online for new suggestions and angles. So please bear with me if the next few posts seem a little uninspired. Also, would you like it of I tried to narrate a little bit with the photos?

And it WAS raining… the umbrella isn’t just a prop! 😀