Category Archives: Photography

Sunrise over the Atlantic

Holy… Lord, God, Almighty –
Perfect in power, in love, in purity.
Early in the morning, my song shall rise to thee!

On our birthdays, we each choose something special we want to do. This year, I wanted to go the beach for sunrise. My family was so sweet, and despite some funny looks and moments of disbelief that they were actually going to get up at 3:30 in the morning to go to the beach, they embraced my idea and made it a wonderful time.

It was a beautiful morning. A lovely day. Full of the goodness of the Lord, the blessings of family and the priceless friendships we share with each other. My sisters are so precious! My parents tender and careful of me!

That moment when the sun hits the horizon – breathtaking!

A 6:55 sunrise (and being out of bed and more than just technically awake for it) is quite amazing for the mood. And the pictures.

We brought bagels with us, and had a nice breakfast at a picnic table on the boardwalk… laughing and feeling a little self-conscious as we were the only ones sitting there eating bagels while everyone else was jogging and exercising on down the boardwalk. *smile* Oh, well. I have a sneaky feeling most of them were jealous anyway.

beautiful wrapping job by a crafty sister!

Then the three of us girls walked up the beach a ways, while mom and dad took a little nap with the gentle rolling and sighing of waves in their ears.

the flowers in my hair are the contents of that gift package!

Sand crabs. Ranging from little…

…to big, and from one…

…to a crazy mass!

And of course, with everybody dressed up in matching clothes, and a photographer-wanna-be and a memory-saving-momma on the beach together with a decent camera, we had a photoshoot.

behind the scenes adjustments

It wasn’t all serious…

Before we went home, we headed up the coast a little ways to a beach with a pier, and took some pictures there. I’ve really been wanting to take pictures under a pier, and the conditions were delightful!

Mama took the one above, and the next two, from the pier. Last time we were at this beach there was a shack at the end of the pier, and now, after hurricane Sandy, there are empty poles and this sign. The boardwalk at this beach is also still not rebuilt. God’s ways are unsearchable and unstoppable, but full of righteousness and mercy.

We stopped for ice cream and had “Coffee Mud Pie,” “Caramel Lover’s,” and “Rum Raisin.” You know, because eating bagels while watching people exercise really works up an appetite for ice cream!

My birthday was also made very special this year by a couple of friends who did some really thoughtful things for me. I am constantly in awe of the blessings God has given, and sweet friends are one of them. I am ever more grateful with each passing day for who He is, and the mighty work of His hands!

A Post for March 1st

Oh, the seasons of life – how they change! We are at a strangely quiet time in our lives right now. There is a lot we are looking forward to and working towards, but nothing big is happening RIGHT NOW! You know how that is, right?

Sometimes the illusion that “nothing” is happening can be frustrating, but as my dear, wise mama pointed out to us at breakfast recently, there ARE things happening, subtle and important things. There are relationships being built. There are spiritual lessons being learned as we seek to know and obey God. We have the time to truly invest in people and things, not simply keep up with their constant growth. We can make plans, in submission to God’s perfect will, and let Him prepare us in whatever way we need. This is a special time – a time to treasure and make the most of, instead of be anxious over.

One thing I have really enjoyed is all the time we have been able to take for reading about history! Especially read-alouds in the afternoon. Yes, we still enjoy them. How could we not?! All the wonderful times together as we take turns reading, interjecting thoughts as we go, working on handmade projects while another reads, and simply sharing in the experience as a family. We’ve been reading books like Jared’s Island, Duncan’s War and The King’s Arrow, Amos Fortune: Freeman, and River of the Wolves. Separately we’ve read Calico Bush, Robinson Crusoe, The Battle for Quebec, Colonel Anza’s Impossible Journey, Shaw’s Fortune, and many more.

During our read-alouds, and sometimes in the evening while Mama makes dinner, I’ve been experimenting with Spelt flour. You see, we’re out of the wheat berries we purchased back in August, but we still have Spelt left, so we’re forced now to do what we had in mind from the beginning – vary our grain consumption. With the gluten content of Spelt being lower than I’m used it, it is somewhat challenging, but I think because of that very fact, certain cookies come out amazing with Spelt! The successes so far have been Chocolate Chip Spelt Cookies, Spelt Biscotti (two different varieties, both of which need tweaking flavor-wise), and a mixture of Spelt and Wheat in regular bread. I’m hoping to try Spelt sourdough soon!

While I’m thinking of it, do you have a favorite Biscotti flavor? What about your favorite type of cookie? I’d love to know the most popular ones so that I can replicate them with healthy ingredients! Thanks!

There has also been a new challenge, and it’s changed my schedule a bit. My laptop is seriously broken, possibly beyond repair, and so we are down to one computer. There are five people in the house, each with their own computer needs, and this poor Macbook is getting more than it’s fair share of use! Unfortunately, with the way we do things, about half of us (no, not “2 ½” people, but 2-3 people) wind up wanting the computer at the same time. So now, I’m finding that my best opportunity for the computer is in the morning when everyone else is either still asleep, or having their personal time with the Lord. Because I get up earlier, I can still have some time to pray, read God’s Word, and be prepared for the day, but then get in my computer time before breakfast. Later in the day while everyone is practically in line for the computer, I can then spend more time studying and journaling as I would have spent the rest of the morning previously. It actually may work out better this way, because by the time the afternoon rolls around, I can certainly use some refreshment from the Lord!

Some of us have also found time for crafty projects. Seasonal decorations, flower headbands, hand-lettering practice, dishcloths. Sometime, I’ll get around to posting about our homemade Christmas presents from this year, as well.

I am so, so thankful for our home and family. A couple days ago, someone who had never been to our house before came over to pick up honey, and I cannot tell you the feeling that came over me as I watched him briefly glance around at the shelves of books that line our walls, the paper chain garland decorated with hand-written Bible verse hearts for Valentine’s day, the boxes of honey by the door, the living room space cramped with furniture to fit our family and guests. It didn’t matter what he thought in that instant, and he didn’t say anything, but as I watched him taking it all in, I felt a proud ownership of what God has accomplished in our lives and the different ways in which He has blessed us with things that draw us together.

30 Days Hath September – the 22nd

Same subject. Same place. Same time. 30 days. } a personal challenge

We went apple picking at an organic orchard this day, and went out with some of our shiny new apples for portraits when we got home. I know some of these aren’t good examples of personal portraits, but we were highlighting the apples. They were delicious! And do you like the right picture, a la William Tell?!

30 Days Hath September – the 19th

Same subject. Same place. Same time. 30 days. } a personal challenge

Lady L wasn’t home this day, so I had to come up with a substitute. I tried myself and a tripod – WAY too much work, and WAY too awkward on a public street! So Twinkles filled in for me. Less cooperative, and more easily bored, but cute nonetheless. 😉